Julia & Julie

The beauty of this chick-flick (besides steering clear of the classic hollywood ending) is that it highlights what it takes to stay committed. Often in life we only want to commit to a sure thing or as I like to think of it-- the percentage of success. If that percentage is low-- I am not really going for it-- because why invest? I often put myself last because of my pleaser tendencies and I want or hope that people will follow suit. Well I used to think that when I was younger (yesterday)-- but I have come to see that it is foolish to invest more in others or things than yourself-- if you can't put yourself first who will?

What I loved about this movie is that it highlights what it takes to get something done. Goal setting is great but what about the third week when it rains do you adjust the plan or put it off for another day. When you are stuck in the office late? do you still order a healthy dinner or self-soothe through food? I am not an expert on the topic-- but something my boyfriend says comes to mind-- it can't take place unless it is in place-- when we set goals do we anticipate the unexpected? do we plan? are we prepared?

Well this week while temping at a job that is less than --ok. I missed a free concert to complete and assignment. The self-soothing side of me could not find a meal that would replace seeing Pat Benatar performing We Belong and Love is a Battlefield--- the Assistant Director side of me would not let me veer off track. I found a healthy alternative to the greasy burrito I wanted to self-soothe with and I was able to feel annoyed about the job but not at myself.

Seeing Julie & Julia reminded me of who I am and who I want to be. We are the masters of our own universe. We are the dream makers? What are your dreams? How do you anticipate the unexpected??