I wasn't raised eating quiche in the morning with a side of salad--- but for the past two weeks I have been discovering the magic of the Quiche. You can put anything in it and it will taste amazing-- Below is my quiche structure--- play with it as you will.
4 egg whites
1 lg egg ( for clean eaters-- use 6 egg whites and no egg)
1/2 package of soft tofu crumbled
salt/pepper to taste
tsp Adobo seasoning
1/2 tsp garlic
3/4 cup of filler
1/2 cup of low fat cheese
2 TBSP low fat Parmesan cheese
1 Gillian's Wheat and Gluten free pie crust
possible fillings- mushrooms, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, kale,broccoli, chicken, sausage, turkey cheese etc--- any thing you can think of--- i use a random green from the CSA last week.
First mix egg and tofu together till the tofu is in tiny pieces.
Add all seasonings (+ plus you favorites)
Then add in 3/4 cup of veggies cooked (steamed)
Pour the mixture into the pie crust-- sprinkle cheese on top
Place in the oven for 45 minutes (give or take 10 mins)
Voila-- serve with a side salad
Easy & Quick and you have breakfast all week.
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